The Sushi Telegraph
Here we go again after a few weeks waiting for a few comments… still waiting guys. You really don’t deserve it but, let’s say I missed you.
Telling you everything would be too long, so let’s go for the basic information.
Autumn arrived to Kanto region and the maple trees turned yellow, brown, golden and finally red. We witnessed this magic event with a few thousand other people at Takao Mountain and with our favourite Good Will Guide: Hiratasan!!! This guy is amazing, once again.
After the Koyo (that’s Japanese expression for ‘watching the change of colour on the trees in autumn’) experience, we had an appointment with Fernando in Shibuya for dinner. And those who didn’t catch the last train back home went to the Karaoke. Watch the video, there’s nothing else I can say after that.
Other things we have done lately: watching Spanish National Ballet for free with Fernando, watching the NHK Figure Skating Trophy with Guillermo, discovering a Spanish bar with real tapas and not too expensive wide wine menu: Tio Danjo in Ebisu. Going to Ikebukuro for dinner and enjoy a tasty yakiniku and an excellent hot sweet sake with some Spaniard friends.
As you can see, we are training ourselves for being good hosts. Our first try was Guillermo’s cousin and his wife, they came in Honeymoon but only stayed in Tokyo for one night so we did a fast tour around Ikebukuro (a bit stressful but nicer than Shibuya) and took a last sake near their hotel where we met a very nice Japanese couple of artist who helped us out with the order and started a very nice conversation.
A few days later, Fernando’s young sister arrived and we also spent time with them, specially Guillermo, at the Akihabara Technologic District (god I hate that place!!!!)
I went with them and Fernando to Yoyogi Park, we got lucky and witnessed a marriage celebration, at least part of it. Also visited the Metropolitan Tokyo Center and saw the mount Fuji (yes,again, it has been Fuji’s month).
Now, get ready for the geeky things we have done:
Taking pictures of the guys who count people in the metro stations since 3 weeks now… They don’t even know what it is for, but they count. Like the hostesses in an aircraft. And they smile, look at the picture!
Guillermo is having breakfast, he found a replacement for the TAHO Filipino and now he eats peanut butter sandwiches, all prepared and packed to be eating without the crust!!! They have more, but the peanut is the best!!! See the pictures.
We celebrated San Clemente (its a Guillermo’s thing, don’t understand neither). We couldn’t make the parade like at Guillermo’s home town but we ate the typical dish: migas!!!!! Look for it on internet! And we drunk the whole red wine bottle Guillermo stole at the King’s reception.
By the way, I forgot to say: the King and Queen of Spain came to visit Tokyo, the organized a huge reception with typical and expensive products, so we managed to get an invitation and went there. Of course we are not the kind ‘let’s say hi to Juan Carlos’, we were more interested in having a nice and cheap peace of Spanish cuisine!!!! And we did have it!!!! We also ended up loosing the last metro and taking a very expensive taxi from Toyocho Station, but we spend a very very pleasant night!!!
You should know that Guillermo has his VISA!!! I am just waiting for an invitation from immigration services to pick up my own VISA, is incredible. I thought I would end up leaving the country… ufffff but let me say something, it is the quickest paperwork I ever did in a foreign country. Is just a little tricky, specially because our Japanese is still kind of GUGUGAGA… so hard to follow instructions!
Last but not the lest: Guillermo is in his last long hair phase… about a month before the final cut, he realizes that having his kind of hair style is worse than not having hair at all!!!! but still proud of it!!!!
Los idiomas no tocaban a final de semana??
Q hoy es miercoles y esta en ingles!!
Aunq realmente hoy es miercoles-jueves, yupi!!!!!!.Mañana viernes y 4 dias de puente!!
de puente en puente y tiro porque me lleva la corriente… pa que luego digais de los japosssss
Y es que llevaba una semana de retraso en el sushi, por eso ha tocado hoy
Hi Nere and lena , Good Morning
I hope you have a nice December day!!!
For weeks like this, that i haven’t time to read your blog is a good idea this newspaper, in ten minutes you know all the cool thibgs to do in tokio.
This week, you have eaten and drunk for free with yours friends, with all tokyo and with our kings.
You have travelled, you have sung, and of course you have drunk again.
Your life is like american university film, but without university and americans.
i hate you.
Probably this month or the next one, i will travel to Rotterdam for two weeks for a project with my business, it’s not the same than you , but it’s a beginning…
See everybody!!!
Mira el oscar que internacional se nos ha echo, no si al final sacara provecho a eso de trabajar tanto.
In english please, Mr puche, this is the sushi telegraph post, all in english…
If someone don’t understand wht means the (+1) please read the post before this one.
I’m watching Earthquake post is not the only post where «Win Writting rights Contest» players are playing.
Well done. There are new incoming players for new rules……..yeahhh!!!!
(Mr. Oscar…….i think we are prepared to be the next banished users from this Blog)
mmm…..he escrito bien la dirección?? :S
excuse me!!
Have i written well the address?? 🙂
I’m sorry Mr. Olmos. You have reason. I think that Guillermo must give you an user to write in english.
+1 in english
There will be no banished user, don’t worry, yesterday was really nice to connect to the blog and find EVERYTIME new comments.
It always give us some energy to keep on posting.
So keep on commenting!!
Manchu, what adress??? hahaha
Thanks for posting, specially in english!!!!
We need a ranking right now!!!
Nere can you tell us when is your birthday?
We need a rules!!
extra point for english comments for the wonderfould Sushi Telegraph!!!
Nere for president!!!
I’ll do ranking and rules this weekend I have a little to much work today and yesterday we arrived too late home for doing it, sorry!!!
But I promise a NICE and understandable ranking, every week.
Thanks !!!
We `ll remember you the next week.
Hey Nerea, congratulations for the post in English 🙂
I hope we will get more because my Spanish is still very limited, to say the least … not to mention my Japanese!